Male Breast Cancer In Seniors: Everything You Need To Know

Male breast cancer mostly affects older men - the average age of diagnosis is 67. In the USA, it occurs in approximately 1 in 100,000 statistics. Raising awareness is desperately important, as the condition is under-researched. A lot of the knowledge and understanding has come from the research for female breast cancer. Increasing awareness will also lead to quicker diagnosis’ by medical professionals. Family History is Important Genetics has a big role to play in occurrence - it should be encouraged among all seniors to take a medical family history, and to keep this information to hand. An accurate history can make a huge difference to doctors when determining symptoms, and records can be kept as part of a medical alert system for safety. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that are commonly found in both men and women in cases of both invasive and in situ breast cancer. If there are females in the family with breast cancer, then there is a genetic history that is relevant for male relations too. Keeping fit for seniors
A lack of exercise is a risk factor for male breast cancer. Part of raising awareness also needs to be highlighting the importance for all seniors to continue keeping active- particularly after retirement. It is recommended by professionals that all seniors exercise for at least three hours a week. It doesn’t have to be a vigorous exercise in an expensive gym. A good exercise plan can include swimming, walking, and cycling. A little bit every day can help to build up strength and endurance, as well as fighting obesity. Joining local classes in your area is a good way of both keeping fit and raising awareness of the importance of having a healthy lifestyle when you are senior.
Do not confuse symptoms with natural aging If you have noticed any symptoms that you are concerned about, it is important not to confuse this with the natural aging process. Too many people assume that pain or discomfort is merely a sign of getting older. If there is skin or nipple abnormality, then you should consult a doctor. Equally so if there is breast tenderness, hardness or enlargement. Raising awareness of male breast cancer is important for seniors - it can help to improve research. It can also lead to quicker diagnosis and the development of treatment. Breast cancer is something everyone needs to not only be aware of, but to discuss with friends, family, and peers.