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Sam Wolf


It’s almost here and your week is filled with cheer! The parties, the celebrations, the warm wishes, the presents, and then there’s the food and the alcohol! Are you aware of your guest needs?

Many people have food challenges whether it’s allergies, sensitivities, weight issues, overall health problems or just personal lifestyle choices such as a vegetarian. A person whose focus is on Cancer can have several related concerns in addition to any (or all) of these other demands.

If currently going through one of the many treatments available as a cancer patient, your system will probably be more sensitive than normal or your taste buds may be playing havoc with your tongue! Even just new medications can have an effect on what you are able to tolerate eating. In addition to the foods, Alcohol just doesn’t fit into this equation. What do you say when everyone is walking around (or stumbling) with a drink in hand and looking to toast with you to the New Year?!

Even if you are not currently undergoing any form of treatment, you just know your risk factors, and you watch very closely what you consume. Maybe you prefer to choose Natural or Organic, or you avoid sugars or (hopefully) partially hydrogenated oils and high processed foods. So let’s see if we can assist you to get through these happy celebrations without starving yourself or feeling left out!

Here are some suggestions:

Beverages; make a choice that works for you! Maybe that means you allow yourself one alcoholic drink on this special day. Drink it slow! Possibly choose red wine for its health properties over hard liquor. Or add tomato or vegetable juice with a small amount of liquor (be careful of adding sugary juices which are higher in calories as well). Try choosing a club soda with a lime added to fill the void of holding a drink in your hand.

Foods; If you’re unsure what your host will be serving, it’s a good idea to eat a little something before you even go. This way, just in case there are no “good” options for you to choose from, you won’t be starving. This will also assist in not over eating when you get there as well. Often there are cut vegetables or fruit to choose from even if you avoid the dip that might go along with. Or offer to bring something so you know there are at least one (or two) things you can enjoy. You never know, others may be asking you for your recipe!

We hope you won’t choose to sit at home or avoid the celebrations all together. Go out, be with others and share in the warmth the holidays can offer because these feel good times add balance to your life. Here’s your chance to give and receive warm holiday cheer so enjoy, be safe, and HIS Breast Cancer Awareness is wishing you a very Healthy and Happy New Year!


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