Well you’ve shopped till you dropped and still you’re not done! We can help you, us and others all at one time – and it’s SIMPLE! Plus think of something healthy you can do for yourself with the time you’ll save instead of heading back to the mall (and the gas too!).

We all love to receive gifts but often we gain the most satisfaction by giving. So much thought needs to go into your selection from color, style, price and will they even like what you like or will it fit? Then the returns or exchange and the pretend “thank you so much, I love it!”
So let’s re-think this time of year and the holiday cheer and all the good wishes for health and happiness. It’s time to put into prospective true giving and true wishes. Does your brother really need another sweater? Does your co-worker need another mug? Is your friend really waiting for your gift or stressing over what they will receive this year, pretend to like and did they spend the same on you? If you really want to show them all you care, then choose to make a donation, one that will help make a difference in the world, and not just more wrapping paper to discard and fill our land.
HIS Breast Cancer Awareness offers you several options to choose from so yes, some thought still will go into your gift giving. You can make a charitable donation of your choice and a card will be sent along with your wishes. The amount of your donation will be anonymous and any amount, small or large is appreciated (and we’re not pretending)! OR you can choose to make a purchase from our SHOP page where you can choose a package of donation cards to keep on hand, an Awareness Pin, an Awareness Wristband, or T-shirt(s).
Of course, if you don’t really need to send a gift and you just want to feel good about giving a donation will fill that need too! All donations are tax deductible as well so it’s like giving your-self a gift at the same time and you know when you’re shopping you always want to buy that gift for you too! Making a donation now is the perfect time for the end of the year tax deduction!
Your donation will be put to great use in bringing valuable Information, Awareness and Education regarding Male Breast Cancer. In addition, our goal is to assist in the funding of research that will result in advances in education, prevention, treatment and hopefully one day, a cure. The funds raised by this foundation will work to achieve our goals for all men who are at risk of or diagnosed with breast cancer.
So visit our SHOP page or head right to our Donation page to give a gift of true “feel good” giving and healthful wishes.
HIS Breast Cancer Awareness is a registered 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. HIS Breast Cancer Awareness acknowledges all donations by email or mail, with a tax receipt to the provided address. If you have any questions regarding your donation, please email us.